Part II in our series documenting the unexpected and entertaining words and phrases we encounter in our planning classes.
1. Astroturf
What you’re expecting: a surface on which to play soccer.
What it actually is: fake grassroots organizations sponsored by large corporations.
2. The Garbage Can Model
What you’re expecting: Oscar the Grouch
What it actually is: a decision-making approach where solutions are applied to problems without regard to their fit.
3. Bollards
What it sounds like: a British curse word
What they actually are: short, sturdy vertical posts used to control road traffic.
4. Expulsive Zoning
What it sounds like: what might happen the day after you eat seafood that’s gone bad.
What it actually is: when residential areas are zoned for industrial or commercial uses, in an attempt to displace current residents.
5. ROC
What you’re expecting: “CEO of the ROC” – Jay Z
What it actually is: ROC stands for Return of Capital or Recovery on Capital, which are both related to returns on investments.
6. Logrolling
What you’re expecting: something lumberjacks might be good at.
What it actually is: the trading of votes by legislators to get their favored projects passed.
What it sounds like: a refreshing drink, or the beloved rapper/star of Law & Order: SVU.
What it actually is: The Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991
Readers: what is your favorite planning term?